
Social media strategy

Taking a 'start-up' approach to news innovation

A look at how Belgium broadcaster VRT set up and run an internal start-up focused on engaging the 'YouTube generation'

Posted by Rachel Bartlett on 21/03/14

4 new ways to use social media for newsgathering

Mobile technology and social networks have changed how news is distributed, but are becoming an increasingly important source for news

Posted by Alastair Reid on 20/03/14

#Tip: Advice from Twitter on tweet engagement

Advice for Twitter engagement

Posted by Alastair Reid on 18/03/14

Study: Facebook news referrals are 'gaining' on Google

Traffic referrals to news sites from social media sites have overtaken referrals from search, according to a recent report by

Posted by Abigail Edge on 17/03/14

Content experiments for 'the YouTube generation'

A look at some of the digital projects being tested by Belgium public service broadcaster VRT's internal 'start-up', to engage a younger audience online, on mobile and on social media

Posted by Rachel Bartlett on 14/03/14

BuzzFeed and BBC most socially-shared outlets in February

BuzzFeed content received more than 50 million interactions on Facebook in February, while BBC articles were shared almost 25 million times on Twitter, according to data released by Newswhip

Posted by Alastair Reid on 14/03/14

The web at 25: tools for journalists

It is 25 years since Sir Tim Berners-Lee proposed the idea for what became the World Wide Web, so to mark the anniversary we have drawn up 25 journalistic tasks and some online tools for the job

Posted by Alastair Reid on 12/03/14

Is online abuse affecting journalists' behaviour?

Journalists invited to continue responding to 'one minute' survey, the early results of which suggest 'macho' culture may be hiding effects of online abuse

Posted by Alastair Reid on 06/03/14

Radio reporter films 'mini-documentary' using iPhone

The series of short videos, filmed by a reporter for BBC Northampton, is said to be a first for BBC local or network radio

Posted by Abigail Edge on 03/03/14

How journalists juggle speedy reporting with verification

Editors from the BBC, Reuters and Associated Press discuss how journalists need to weigh up the 'need for speed' with accuracy and verification

Posted by Abigail Edge on 28/02/14

How online publishers use quizzes to engage around topical stories

Riding the wave of the recent shareable content trend, this week's podcast offers practical tips for online publishers on how to use quizzes to engage around news events, or simply entertain readers

Posted by Rachel Bartlett on 28/02/14

9 ways to hone a headline to perfection

Writing for the web, print and social media can all be very different, but what should journalists bear in mind when writing headlines?

Posted by Alastair Reid on 12/02/14

How news outlets are engaging with the Snapchat community

A look at how a number of news outlets are starting to use Snapchat to share images and short video with the app's community

Posted by Rachel Bartlett on 07/02/14

Buzzfeed to appoint news editor to growing UK team

The new addition to the team will represent more than a five-fold increase on Buzzfeed UK's editorial staff since launch last March

Posted by Rachel Bartlett on 06/02/14

How the BBC and Guardian are innovating on Instagram

A look at two Instagram-focused projects launched in January, including Instafax at the BBC and GuardianCam, the Guardian's 'first truly global-from-the-start social account'

Posted by Rachel Bartlett on 04/02/14

Facebook at 10: Tips and tools for journalists

As the world's biggest social network reaches its tenth birthday, here are 10 ways journalists can use Facebook to reach readers, find sources and better connect with their audience

Posted by Alastair Reid on 03/02/14

#Tip: Remember these social media tools for reporters

Social media tips from the Wall Street Journal

Posted by Alastair Reid on 24/01/14

Shareable content: Lessons learned from WalesOnline's 3.5m 'listicle' views

WalesOnline article listing '18 things English people won't know unless they've lived in Wales' gets bumper traffic following 'deliberate decision' to create 'shareable, mobile-friendly content'

Posted by Rachel Bartlett on 23/01/14

8 digital journalism skills to be covered at news:rewired

With the next news:rewired just four weeks away, here are some of the essential skills for journalists we'll be discussing at our 11th digital publishing conference

Posted by Rachel Bartlett on 23/01/14

App for journalists: Jelly, for posting questions and answers

Launched this week, this social app is described by its founders as "a new way to search"

Posted by Abigail Edge on 08/01/14

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From our editors' blog

Five key courses for journalists in September

We are organising courses in data journalism, iPhone reporting, open data for journalists and creating a buzz on social media

Posted by Sarah Marshall on 31 July 2013

Beet.TV: The New York Times, real-time advertising and Twitter trending data

Beet.TV has an interesting video with Michael Zimbalist, vice president for research & development, and operations at the New York Times, in which he discusses a new advertising tool called Spark which utilises the Times’s data on stories trending on social media. According to Beet.TV the tool “serves display advertising into stories as they are [...]

Posted by Rachel Bartlett on 19 February 2013

Hurricane Sandy and verification: 4 key takeaways from Storyful Hangout

A look at the four main points which came out of a Google+ Hangout, hosted by Storyful on the subject of verification during Hurricane Sandy

Posted by Rob Grant on 11 December 2012

Study: Fewer UK journalists feel social media improves productivity in 2012 than in 2011

An annual study into how UK journalists feel social media impacts on their work was announced this week by Canterbury Christ Church University and public relations and media services outlet Cision. The report’s findings are based on 769 responses from UK journalists. According to a release from the university the study found an “increasing number [...]

Posted by Rachel Bartlett on 19 September 2012

#wef12: Why news outlets must embrace a participatory culture

Al Jazeera's Riyaad Minty and Mark Little's Storyful on why news outlets must understand the relationship between news reporting and social media

Posted by Rachel Bartlett on 4 September 2012

Guardian US, #smarttakes and 'pop-up aggregation'

The Guardian's US operation announces the launch of a new socially-driven aggregation series called #smarttakes

Posted by Rachel Bartlett on 19 July 2012

How important are 'tweet' and 'like' buttons to news publishers?

A conversation was sparked on the effect of social media sharing buttons by the designer Oliver Reichenstein on his blog informationArchitects

Posted by Daniel Bentley on 1 June 2012

Online news startups need help converting readers into supporters

A report by J-Lab has found that even though online news start-ups have access to a wide range of social media tools, they struggle with how to measure their impact

Posted by Daniel Bentley on 31 May 2012

#GEN2012: Interactive graphics case studies from the Guardian

The Guardian's Alastair Dant shares the news outlet's approach to using interactivity to present data and stories to their audience

Posted by Rachel Bartlett on 30 May 2012

Bitly launches 'bitmark' social bookmarking service

Bitly, the popular link shortener used by lots of news websites, announces its ‘bitmark’ service

Posted by Daniel Bentley on 29 May 2012

Guardian's n0tice launches Facebook sharing app

Online noticeboard n0tice launches app to auto-post updates to Facebook

Posted by Sarah Marshall on 1 May 2012

Tool of the week for journalists: Muck Rack

Muck Rack is a site that aggregates Twitter and social media feeds for thousands of professional journalists

Posted by James Chapple on 5 April 2012

Economist seeks to build relationships with 1m Facebook fans

'It's about building relationships on Facebook and monetizing outside', according to the Economist's global publisher, digital editions

Posted by Sarah Marshall on 29 March 2012

Searchmetrics: Financial Times is news outlet with most Google+ followers

Daily Mail and Telegraph stories get most Google +1 recommendations

Posted by Sarah Marshall on 22 March 2012

Social predicted to overtake search as Guardian traffic driver

'It's only a matter of time until social overtakes search for the Guardian,' says Tanya Cordrey, director of digital development at Guardian News and Media

Posted by Sarah Marshall on 21 March 2012

Digital news editor @fieldproducer leaving Sky News

Sky News's digital news editor Neal Mann, known to 43,000 people on Twitter as @fieldproducer, has announced he has decided to leave the broadcaster.

Posted by Paul McNally on 19 March 2012

Sky News Twitter restrictions - where do you stand?

Sky News emails staff telling them not to retweet - a round-up of opinion

Posted by Paul McNally on 8 February 2012

Tool of the week for journalists - Rippla, for tracking the social 'ripples' of news stories

A tool for tracking the sharing of news stories on social networks such as Facebook and Twitter

Posted by Sarah Marshall on 20 December 2011

Tool of the week for journalists - Playground, to monitor social media analytics

This new platform helps you monitor Facebook, Twitter, blogs and could become a favourite tool of data journalists

Posted by Marianne Bouchart on 29 November 2011

Rippla, a site to monitor the social media 'ripples' of news stories, launches

You can now see how stories from the UK's top 10 news sites are shared on social media – and view the social media 'ripples' created by stories on your own news site

Posted by Sarah Marshall on 17 November 2011

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