

At Tortoise, readers' insights shape the editorial content


The crowdfunded, slow journalism project regularly meets its members to get inspired by their insights, worries and wisdoms


Global Voices asks its contributors to make its strategic decisions instead of a boardroom

Four big questions, 190 people and a three-step process. Ivan Sigal, of international journalism community Global Voices, offers a step-by-step guide into consensus-based decision making


Crafted storytelling vs raw content: which production style is mobile journalism best suited for?

Mojo specialist Glen Mulcahy hears arguments from mobile journalists Philip Bromwell and Caroline Scott – the gloves are off!

'You are what you read': what a crowdfunded book on solutions journalism says about audience's appetite for news

With an £11k backing from supporters, author Jodie Jackson is now set to publish and offers a sneak peak of her findings in this podcast

Posted by Jacob Granger on 18/01/19

How Hashtag Our Stories is helping citizen journalists tell better stories

"Anyone, anywhere around the world will have the framework to create professional quality citizen journalism"

Posted by Caroline Scott on 11/01/19

Blockchain: does transparency equal trust?

Here is how blockchain technology can help journalists re-engage with their audiences

Posted by Marcela Kunova on 04/01/19

Christmas podcast: looks back on their stand-out stories of 2018

The editorial team discuss why VR documentaries, newsroom diversity and blockchain make up the big talking points over the last year

Posted by Caroline Scott, Marcela Kunova and Jacob Granger on 21/12/18

How the EJC grants support cross-border collaborative health reporting

The Global Health Journalism Grant Programme for Germany gave three journalists €15,000 to report on midwifery in India, Bangladesh and the Rohingya refugee camps. They talk about how the money made this project possible

Posted by Jacob Granger on 17/12/18

How the Guardian commissions access-driven documentaries

Head of documentaries Charlie Phillips explains what the publisher looks for in a pitch, and how it aims to publish a range of evergreen content

Posted by Caroline Scott on 07/12/18

LISTEN: Are bots better at understanding their audience than human journalists?

Talking to a machine can feel safer as readers do not have to fear judgement or backlash. But there may be hidden dangers in trusting bots too much

Posted by Marcela Kunova on 30/11/18

The Financial Times shows the interactive capabilities of smart speakers with new audio documentary

Take a look at 'Hidden Cities: Berlin', the interactive audio experience immersing audiences in stories about Berlin

Posted by Caroline Scott on 22/11/18

The Correspondent promises English-speaking audiences an 'antidote' to breaking news

In this week’s podcast, Rob Wijnberg, founder, De Correspondent, talks about how their $2.5m crowdfunding campaign to launch an English language version aims to bring their audiences a true understanding of news, rather than reporting on the recent and immediate

Posted by Jacob Granger on 16/11/18

'The foundation for further digital transformation has been laid' – A look back on the expansion of the BBC World Service

Dmitry Shishkin, digital editor, Languages, BBC World Service, explains what his team has achieved, and the lessons he learned along the way

Posted by Caroline Scott on 01/11/18

Why The Independent’s latest subscription model is not your average paywall

In this week’s podcast Christian Broughton, editor, The Independent, discusses why Independent Minds rewards brand loyalty with exclusive ‘treats’ — and why he thinks readers will pay for it

Posted by Jacob Granger on 26/10/18

How BBC Africa Eye used open-source tools to debunk myths around that video of murder in Cameroon

"We went back to the basics of journalism – where did it happen, when did it happen, and who was responsible?"

Posted by Caroline Scott on 19/10/18

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