

#GENSummit19: data-driven travel content and trends in the digital landscape


If you missed out on the Global Editors Network Summit in Athens this year, caught up with two experts from the event


Meet The Sista Collective - podcast made by and for Black British women

BBC 5 Live journalist, Jessie Aru Phillips, talks to us about The Sista Collective podcast she created for women of colour and why giving voice to under-represented women is important


Making it through the hiring process: how to impress in your next job application

Showing brand awareness and looking up offices location before your job interview can score you extra brownie points with your potential employer

How can we improve LGBTQ+ diversity in journalism?

News coverage of LGBTQ+ stories, particularly when it comes to transgender people, risks repeating the same mistakes we did with the HIV/AIDS epidemic - unless we learn to listen to the community voices

Posted by Daniel Green on 24/05/19

Mental Health Awareness Week: the warning signs of burnout in editors

Excessive workload is not the only cause of burnout in the newsroom - lack of recognition and disillusion take their toll on senior staffers. Here is what you need to watch out for

Posted by Jacob Granger on 17/05/19

The Seattle Times asks readers to fund its future investigative journalism team

Local audiences are eager to support independent media and help solve problems their communities are facing

Posted by Jacob Granger on 10/05/19

What gets readers hooked onto your writing?

Here is how to create the best version of your story and make it stand out from the crowd

Posted by Jacob Granger on 03/05/19

Podcasts: easy mistakes, golden rules and learning curves

Podcast producers at BBC and Slate offer their expert advice on improving your audio storytelling

Posted by Jacob Granger on 26/04/19

Reporting on race and religion: wise up and get out of your comfort zone

What are the potential pitfalls for journalists reporting in ethnically diverse communities? Here are the common mistakes and best approaches to right those wrongs

Posted by Jacob Granger on 18/04/19

South American journalists use social media to publish uncensored versions of their investigative stories

In countries where authorities are clamping down on independent journalism, newsrooms find new strategies to report the truth for their audiences

Posted by Jacob Granger/Daniel Green on 12/04/19

IJF 2019: Driving deep-change and fuelling mobile journalism

If you did not get to attend the International Journalism Festival in Perugia this year, fear not. caught up with some of the speakers in this week's podcast

Posted by Marcela Kunova on 05/04/19

Dos and don'ts of audience engagement

After raising $2.5m with its crowdfunding campaign, here is what De Correspondent learned about successful communication

Posted by Jacob Granger on 22/03/19

Thirty-six hours with the Taliban: an all-female CNN crew shows a different reality of life in Afghanistan

CNN chief international correspondent, Clarissa Ward discusses security measures, ethical challenges and sitting down for an interview with the Taliban chief as a white, western, female journalist

Posted by Jacob Granger on 15/03/19

Newsrewired sneak peek podcast: financing digital journalism, voice-controlled devices and blockchain

Jess Best of The Correspondent, Chris Stone of Evening Standard and Daniel Sieberg of iO Technologies give you a taster of what they are bringing to our upcoming Newsrewired conference

Posted by Jacob Granger on 22/02/19

From 500k to 80m readers in one year: how Forbes transformed The Memo

Alex Wood, Europe editor at Forbes, talks about how selling his business news website to the US publisher widened its audience, increased diversity of its contributors and brought newfound digital innovation

Posted by Marcela Kunova on 15/02/19

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