Credit: Photo by Riccardo Annandale on Unsplash

Getting rejected from a job application is tough. But when those around you seem to be excelling in their careers, it becomes even tougher.

For freelance journalist Rosalie Minnitt, the feeling of behind left behind by her peers brought with it mental health impacts. In this article for Journo Resources, she offers five tips for remaining upbeat in the job hunt.

To stop you from comparing yourself to others, she said you could take the 'ruthless' approach of just muting or unfollowing accounts that bring you down.

"It's really important to focus on the road ahead of you and not get derailed by what other people are doing," she explained.

"Otherwise, you end up wasting so much time looking left and right, that you've completely forgotten to look ahead. Everyone is on their own path and timeline, and there really is no rush."

On the job hunt? Your next position could be waiting for you on the Journalism.co.uk jobs board.

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