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Part of researching an interviewee and the topic you plan on discussing is coming up with a list of questions, although it's wise to bear in mind that interesting points to follow up on can also come up during the conversation.

But what if you're faced with a difficult or sensitive topic, or with an interviewee that is not as receptive or willing to share?

Check out this Q&A between Beth Schwartzapfel, staff writer at The Marshall Project, and Qainat Khan, digital editor for The GroundTruth Project.

Among other tips, Schwartzapfel advises "going in with a healthy dose of skepticism and being prepared to push back".

"Sometimes you find things out later, and it’s ok to go back to somebody. That was the hardest lesson I learned early on – sometimes you may annoy someone and that’s alright. Call them back, ask them to comment."

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