Credit: Joanna Clifford on Flickr

There are times when reporting on culturally sensitive topics can be tricky - and reporting on Indigenous art is one of them.

Reporters must portray generations of cultural beliefs and knowledge accurately and fairly, but as is often the case, there are ways to do this right and ways to do this wrong.

From the 2019 National Native Media Conference, Jarrette Werk and Jaida Grey Eagle write on IJNet the dos and don'ts on writing around the topic.

"Do use precise tribal identity rather than the general broad term 'Native American'. When the use is broad and you are referring to Indigenous people of the entire continent, use 'Indigenous', (like we just did). However, if you’re talking about an individual piece or artist, refer to the specific tribal affiliation. Example: 'Haida carving' instead of 'Native American carving'," it reads.

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