
It seems that journalism never sits still for too long. Sometimes, however, it is hard to keep up with all the latest revelations, even though tries to keep you up to speed.

2018 was a busy year for Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism (RISJ), having documented new approaches to digital transformation, declines in social media use for news, difficulty monetising on smart speakers and a lack of debate around AI technology.

Their latest report ‘More important, but less robust? Five things everybody needs to know about the future of journalism', RISJ looks to the future and the global trends in journalism. For those more pressed for time, RISJ provides five bite-sized takeaways from the report.

"We have moved from a world where media organisations were gatekeepers to a world where media still create the news agenda, but platform companies control access to audiences," the report reads.

With this in mind, it is all the more important to monitor the impact of algorithms, how newsrooms respond to those changes, and the projects which seek to adapt to it.

We are at Reuters, London on March 6 for our digital journalism Newrewired conference, where we will be discussing digital strategies, smart speakers, blockchain and more.

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