Mobile journalism kit

As more journalists rely on their phones for filming and taking photos, the number of additional accessories available to make your footage the best it can be has grown exponentially in the last few years.

Using your phone and a microphone, a tripod, and a light can help you produce better quality videos, but choosing the right kit can be a headache, especially if you're on a budget.

To help mobile reporters find their way through the many options available, Glen Mulcahy, innovation lead at RTE and the founder of mobile journalism conference MojoCon, outlined his must-haves in this post on

His number one recommendation is carrying an extra battery pack – you don't want to be at the scene of a great story with zero battery on your phone.

And make sure to have a look around the rest of the JournalismTools platform as well. It highlights many useful tools and apps for journalists, from more mobile journalism recommendations to productivity, data, and social media apps.

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