Credit: Image by Pixabay

If you're currently in a full-time staff job, the freelance world can seem like a daunting place. There's no guaranteed work, you've got to constantly pitch to editors, and you won't have your desk buddy to get you through some of the more lethargic parts of the day.

However, there are so many benefits that freelance reporters all over the world are experiencing, and with the flexibility to write about what they are passionate about, many don't look back.

Check out this advice from journalist Jen A. Miller on Poynter, who explains the 13 things she's learned in 13 years of freelancing. She has tons of advice accompanied by little anecdotes from her career, including the importance of not working for free, thinking per hour and not by word, and meeting your editors.

"This is a hard job, and can be both mentally and physically exhausting... but freelancing can be the best job in the world – if you run your business right," she said.

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