polling station
Credit: By John Keane on Flickr. Some rights reserved.

The New York Times recently landed a scoop on a much-debated issue in the US presidential race – Republican candidate Donald Trump's tax returns – thanks to materials reporter Susanne Craig received in her mailbox.

Craig advised journalists not to underestimate the value a physical mailbox can have in receiving tips from anonymous sources, even in the digital age.

The same advice applies to reporters covering local elections, but as Blake Nelson, a contributor to Investigative Reporters and Editors (IRE) points out, receiving this type of documents is just the starting point.

In this post on the IRE website, Nelson provides advice from three local news outlets in the US on how to investigate local elections.

The tips include knowing your strengths and sticking to them rather than trying to cover everything, and reading up on the law to know what documents and public records you are legally entitled to access as part of your investigation.

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