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Over the last decade, support for far-right parties has grown dramatically, leading journalists to question how to cover groups that hold extremist views.

In an article with Journalist's Resource, Joan Donovan, director of the Technology and Social Change Research Project at Harvard Kennedy School's Shorenstein Centre on Media Politics and Public Policy, and Jessie Daniels, a sociologist at the City University of New York, gave their advice in how to cover far-right extremists.

Donovan suggested that newsrooms should consider adopting a stance of 'strategic silence' and avoid covering the events and ideas of far-right extremists. He explained that these groups often use press coverage as a way to spread their message.

"Even the machines of PR world are not as good at gaining attention as white supremacists are," she said.

Daniels encouraged journalists to not portray race-based extremism, particularly in the United States, as new developments.

She explained: "People keep using the word 'unprecedented' to talk about the current political climate. I think there's a real kind of cultural, historical amnesia in the United States among not just journalists, but all people."

"To not recognise that and not talk about that speaks to an illiteracy about the place in which we live."

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