
Journalists on Twitter

Added | Followers | Name | Handle | Last Tweet | ^
5731 to 5745 of 9572
Sam Haysom samhaysom Name: Sam Haysom
Sector: Online only
Publication: Mashable
Job title: Deputy UK editor

Followers: 10,018


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David Osler finance_LL Name: David Osler
Sector: Newspaper
Publication: Lloyd's List
Job title: Finance editor

Followers: 4,430


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Ayshea Buksh AysheaBuksh Name: Ayshea Buksh
Sector: Broadcast
Publication: BBC
Job title: Reporter, BBC London

Followers: 2,989


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Lara Petrossians lariko Name: Lara Petrossians
Sector: Broadcast
Publication: BBC
Job title: Executive producer, BBC Persian TV

Followers: 2,484


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Stephen Khan StephenKhan Name: Stephen Khan
Sector: Online only
Publication: The Conversation UK
Job title: Global executive editor

Followers: 3,501


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Amani Fikri amanifikri2002 Name: Amani Fikri
Sector: Broadcast
Publication: BBC
Job title: Senior broadcast journalist, BBC Arabic

Followers: 2,715


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Tony Bell bellyboy69 Name: Tony Bell
Sector: Newspaper
Publication: The Observer
Job title: Picture editor, New Review

Followers: 3,095


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Nick Cannon nickycafc Name: Nick Cannon
Sector: Magazine
Publication: What's On TV
Job title: TV journalist

Followers: 2,033


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Jamie Whitehead jamiewh_ Name: Jamie Whitehead
Sector: Broadcast
Publication: BBC
Job title: Broadcast journalist, BBC World Service

Followers: 2,023


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Carl McQueen CarlSMcQueen Name: Carl McQueen
Sector: Broadcast
Publication: Sky News
Job title: Senior planning editor

Followers: 2,402


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Saabira Chaudhuri SaabiraC Name: Saabira Chaudhuri
Sector: Newspaper
Publication: The Wall Street Journal
Job title: Consumer goods and retail reporter

Followers: 3,923


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Tom Cheal Tom_Cheal Name: Tom Cheal
Sector: Broadcast
Publication: LBC
Job title: Managing editor

Followers: 3,782


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Aylin Yazan aylinyazan Name: Aylin Yazan
Sector: Broadcast
Publication: BBC
Job title: Multimedia journalist, BBC Turkish

Followers: 6,171


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James Kynge JKynge Name: James Kynge
Sector: Newspaper
Publication: Financial Times
Job title: Global China editor

Followers: 11,606


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Tim Burt tburt85 Name: Tim Burt
Sector: Magazine
Publication: Procurement Leaders
Job title: Editor

Followers: 2,407


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Journalists on Twitter

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