

Tara Lajumoke, managing director of FT Strategies, on digital transformation


As news organisations pivot to a digital-first model, we look at what we can learn from other sectors that thrive online


David Taylor, editor of Tortoise, on slowing down during breaking news

Less is sometimes more. This slow news startup turned to a six-piece podcast series, three live events and its standard newsletter when Britain faced a historic news event


Newsroom strategist Ethar El-Katatney on younger news audiences

With incessant and monumentous news events, Gen Z is increasingly finding it all too easy to switch off from mainstream news coverage. Learn how to cater for an audience who needs you more than ever

Freelance journalist Nicola Kelly on reporting on the UK Home Office

A government PR-turned-journalist reveals how to gain access to ministerial departments prone to leaks, scandals and sources wanting to speak out (at the risk of their careers)

Posted by Jacob Granger on 09/09/22

Paul O'Mahony, editorial product manager of The Local Sweden, on product thinking

When your core audience are foreigners settling into a new country, how does that shape the news formats and mediums they want and need?

Posted by Jacob Granger on 01/09/22

Sara Kehaulani Goo, editor-in-chief of Axios, on "smart brevity" in text articles

The news US outlet has built its success (and earned recent investment) through breaking the status quo of classic news writing: out with inverted pyramids, in with summaries and bullet-points

Posted by Jacob Granger on 26/08/22

Drew Hyndman, researcher for BBC News, on short-form vs long-form audio

Producing a two-minute news bulletin or a two-hour podcast requires many of the same technical skills, but a different approach to interviewing prep and technique

Posted by Jacob Granger on 19/08/22

Jen Maxfield, broadcast journalism veteran, on perfecting the interview

A US anchor, reporter and author shares all the lessons (and rookie errors) from 20 years in local TV news

Posted by Jacob Granger on 11/08/22

Michelle Fyrne, group editor of SoGlos, on revamping regional media

This independent publication is leveraging 15 years of local coverage, the cookieless future and a new pandemic-prompted editorial focus to realise its revenue potential

Posted by Jacob Granger on 29/07/22

Rachel Hamada & Vicky Gayle, The Bureau Local, on getting out of the newsroom

Stepping outside your newsroom and taking a step back from the news agenda can provide unexpected stories with true local value while turbo-charging your audience engagement

Posted by Jacob Granger on 22/07/22

Claire Sanderson, editor-in-chief of Women's Health UK, on purpose campaigns

Researching the challenges facing your audience can give you plenty to write about. Working with commercial partners can help to deliver practical, real-world solutions

Posted by Jacob Granger on 15/07/22

Salla-Rosa Leinonen, producer at Yle, on journo-influencers

Is it really a journalist's job to influence the behaviour of online users? The author of a new paper argues that this is what reporters have always done, and that social media audiences need credible voices now more than ever

Posted by Jacob Granger on 06/07/22

Mary Walter-Brown, CEO of News Revenue Hub, on loyalty strategies

At a time of low trust in the news and a lack of willingness to pay for it, what can be done to encourage reader donations - even for the most resource-scarce newsrooms?

Posted by Jacob Granger on 01/07/22

Nic Newman of RISJ on the Reuters Digital News Report 2022

News avoidance on the rise, young people not fussed about traditional media and audiences guarded over data. We pour over the main headline findings from the annual landmark media research paper

Posted by Jacob Granger on 16/06/22

Farrah Storr of Substack's insider tips on the newsletter platform

More writers are turning to Substack newsletters as a side hustle or a new day job. What are the must-use features and best practices if you want to make it a success?

Posted by Jacob Granger on 09/06/22

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