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Iain Martin, former assistant editor and deputy editor of The Sunday Telegraph, has been appointed head of a new integrated online and print department for comment and community across Telegraph media's titles.

Martin will also be responsible for readers' comment facilities, including the Your View and My Telegraph sections.

His appointment comes as the Telegraph announced major changes to its website's community and blogging areas.

In a blog post communities editor of, Shane Richmond, announced that the My Telegraph section and the Telegraph blogs would be completely rebuilt.

The new blogging areas will be created by US firm ONESite and will offer more interactive and content-sharing features, he wrote.

"My Telegraph users have been very patient over the last few months as our technical team try to handle an unfamiliar system.

"We'll soon reward them with a system that is more stable, has more users and offers new tools for interacting with each other and sharing their content," said Richmond in his post.

The blogging platforms had been temporarily housed at the Telegraph offices since December following the closure of company Intersource, which had built the blogs for the newspaper.

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