tcn team
Credit: Image courtesy of Tech City News

Tech City News has relaunched its website today, to showcase the increasing number of video shows the team is producing.

Editor Alex Wood told Tech City News has its own in-house TV studio, which has been in use since July.

"It reflects the fact that the whole team are from a TV background or at least a multimedia background," he said, "so we really care about dynamic video."

Tech City News' video portfolio includes a weekly technology news show called 'The Week in Tech'; a series of shorts featuring pitches in unconventional settings called 'The Elevator Pitch'; a documentary looking at start-ups in New York City; and a recently launched monthly show about financial technology.

An episode of 'The Week In Tech' from Tech City News

The new website is also split into channels to reflect the various areas of technology the team's videos and stories are exploring, from fashion technology to education or financial technology.

"When we first launched our website we actually designed and built it in three weeks, which is completely mental," he said. "The reason behind that was that in all honesty nobody knew what this market was and what this interest in technology was about.

"This new website is a reflection of us two years down the line, now having the luxury to really think about what works and what doesn't."

According to Wood, 80,000 people now visit the Tech City News website each month.

He said splitting the website into channels, including one dedicated to video, was challenging as it meant the team was creating "individual sites within the site".

Getting the channels up and running was not only a matter of re-categorising content, he added.

Making sure the new channels reflected the expectations of the audience was also a challenge, "thinking about whether people in financial tech actually identify with that [for example]".

screenshot from tech city news
Screenshot from the new Tech City News

The new website also features a revamped industry events section, which allows people to rate events themselves but also monitors social media mentions to provide more objective recommendations.

And Wood also plans to increase the number of print copies of Tech City News' quarterly free magazine, which currently stands between 10,000 and 12,000 copies each issue.

As the print edition is approaching its one year anniversary in December, Wood said he aims to push the circulation to 15,000 copies.

The magazine is written for "non techies" and aims to brief its readers on the latest development in technology in the four months up to its publication.

With a new website and more video shows coming up, Tech City News is looking outside of London for stories as well.

"We believe that technology is spreading across the whole country," he said. "In terms of our coverage and our content you'll be seeing much more UK-wide focus."

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