
Storination: An example on the topic of the Leveson inquiry

Storination, a curation tool that allows users to create a storyboard of Storify stories, is inviting new users.

Storination, which launched in private beta in December, is a top level curation tool that allows users to collate a group of Storify stories around a topic and allows others to add to the storyboard.

Storify, a free tool to allow you to create a narrative by pulling in tweets, YouTube videos, Flickr photos and other content shared on social media, has become a favourite of digital journalists as a way of online storytelling.

This new tool, which describes itself as "the first community-oriented platform based on the Storify publishing tool", allows journalists or any web user to collate a group of those Storifys around any topic and also allows news organisations and individuals to collect all or some of the Storifys they have created in one place.

Storination dashboard
Storination dashboard

The first step is to create a "nation", the overall subject (here is one we made earlier on the topic of the Leveson inquiry).

The next stage involves adding a photo, logo and importing Storifys.

Users can create a Storify from within the Storination platform to add to the storyboard. A published storyboard also has an "add story" button, encouraging the wider audience to contribute.

Those behind Storination are handing out codes to people can try the tool (here are details of how you can sign up for an invite).

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