
How journalists can work sensitively with bereaved parents


Journalists are not traditionally trained to interview the parents whose babies died in the maternity scandal


From monologue to dialogue: How Sky News is revamping the modern live blog

In a past few days full of breaking news - from the Trump shooting to Southgate stepping down - live blog editor Jimmy Rice details how the news organisation provides minute-to-minute updates and easy catch-ups


'I asked myself – why is he going public?': working with a Big Tobacco whistleblower

Find out how an investigation about a money trail within the tobacco industry came together

How Dow Jones is tackling AI copyright challenges

How - and why - Dow Jones is building a framework to ensure transparency and traceability in content use

Posted by Traci Mabrey on 12/07/24

Podcast articleBanseka Kayembe of Naked Politics, on engaging Gen Z with political journalism

It is not enough to report on what is happening with politics. Young people want actionable information delivered to schools and colleges

Posted by Jacob Granger on 11/07/24

IMPRESS launches dispute resolution services to make justice affordable

The press regulator wants to help all publishers, businesses, freelance journalists and members of the public get binding resolutions when they are wronged by the media, avoiding costly courts

Posted by Marcela Kunova on 10/07/24

Behind the award-winning web-doc Manchester Maze

Tell stories 'with' not 'for' communities, say the creators of an innovative homelessness reporting project

Posted by Chris Walter and Paul Myles on 09/07/24

Journalism must update its mission to survive

Trust in journalism is at an all-time low, engagement is declining, and the business outlook for the industry is uncertain at best. What can we do?

Posted by Mattia Peretti on 08/07/24

Livestreaming, explainer videos and newsletters: Overnight election coverage with three new media companies

"It makes the all-nighter worth it": Journalists at Novara Media, TLDR News, and The Edinburgh and London Minute talk about sacrificing sleep to cover the UK general election and give their audience something interesting to wake up to

Posted by Jacob Granger on 05/07/24

Podcast articleThe legacy of WikiLeaks, with award-winning journalist James Ball

Although Julian Assange is famously difficult to work with, he will be ironically best remembered for transforming investigative journalism into a collaborative field

Posted by Jacob Granger on 04/07/24

How are news organisations covering the UK's general election 2024?

Explainers, unorthodox interviews and Roblox have been used to inform the UK electorate ahead of polling day

Posted by Lewis Eyre and Jacob Granger on 03/07/24

Why video journalism is not ready to ditch its editors

Audiences like human-made just as much as partly-automated news videos. But they want the former anyway

Posted by Joseph Hook on 02/07/24

NYT's Hannah Yang on subscription ceilings, international markets and news bundles

The US publisher has 10.5m digital subscribers - 2m outside the US - and has its sights set on hitting 15m by the end of 2027

Posted by Jacob Granger on 27/06/24

Who to follow: 27 women covering the independent publishing sector

If you find your social feeds a tad too heavy on men's voices, follow and connect with these fantastic women experts on indie media

Posted by Marcela Kunova on 26/06/24

Please give us your feedback - and be in it to win a Book Bundle worth £150! is changing and we need you to help us guide this change

Posted by Marcela Kunova on 26/06/24

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