
'The more niche the publication, the more niche the user needs'


Readers return to news outlets for content they love, that benefits their lives and they cannot find anywhere else


Four tools for journalists to try this summer

Put on your flip-flops, grab a piña colada, and explore these new tools for visual and audio storytelling


Podcast article#MeToo in the media, with Empoword Journalism

A new investigative piece about former Guardian columnist Nick Cohen shows how claims of sexual misconduct in the newsroom can fall on deaf ears. What impact does this have on young women starting their careers?

Sponsored article: Securing loyal online audiences through live-blogging

The Austrian Press Agency and Süddeutsche Zeitung explain how they are using the Tickaroo platform to earn the trust of readers through the fastest medium of news and storytelling

Posted by Jacob Granger and Naomi Owusu on 05/06/23

Podcast articleAlison Millar, award-winning film-maker, on documentaries and press freedom in Northern Ireland

With her latest documentary, LYRA, we step into the life of esteemed investigative journalist Lyra McKee and what led to her death in 2019 in Derry

Posted by Camille Dupont on 02/06/23

Average revenues up by 20 per cent for UK independent news publishers

The PINF Index 2023 reveals that small news outlets are just about breaking even, but are finding joy in impact, innovation and Instagram

Posted by Jacob Granger and Camille Dupont on 01/06/23

NCTJ Diversity in Journalism report: what is the media missing to make real progress?

Despite some gains around women leaders and LGBT representation, the UK news industry remains very white, well-connected and university educated

Posted by Camille Dupont on 31/05/23

What gets readers to pay? Transparency on the price of journalism

Subscribers like digital offers, joining a community or supporting independent news. But new research indicates what really gets them over the line is the right combination of appeals

Posted by Jacob Granger on 30/05/23

Big tech platforms' market power is "significantly overestimated", new paper finds

As more countries eyeing up their own News Bargaining Code, platform repayments could damage innovation and consumer interests

Posted by Emma McAndrew on 26/05/23

Newsrewired special: How The Times is running towards a digital-first future

"Who is the enemy? Is it the stagnant economy, the tech platforms or news avoidance? I’d suggest it’s none of those. The enemy is inertia," says head of digital Edward Roussel at Newsrewired

Posted by Jacob Granger on 25/05/23

Countering news avoidance: focus on relevance and value

When half of the population are avoiding the news, the best cure is to give them a stake in the stories and news outlets that matter most to them

Posted by Jacob Granger on 24/05/23

Subscription retention strategies: pain points and remedies

Times Media, Washington Post, The Conversation and DC Thomson discuss how to hang onto paying readers. Early engagement and easy exits are key

Posted by Jacob Granger on 24/05/23

Newsrewired special: Thinking of audience trust as a marketing problem

A powerful mission can only get you so far, says Jakub Parusinski at Kyiv Independent. To keep growing, you must focus on relevance, value and personalisation

Posted by Jacob Granger on 24/05/23

Podcast articleAndrew Butler of Tortoise on an alternative to internships

The Tortoise Journalism School is a week-long crash course where aspiring journalists can learn its signature, slow style of reporting

Posted by Jacob Granger on 18/05/23

How can journalists learn SEO and why do they need to?

Search engine optimisation is important to get your content out there and attract more readers

Posted by Fern McErlane on 16/05/23

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