NewsWhip Spike search

NewsWhip Spike, a powerful tool to monitor news sources, has launched a real-time trending search function.

Users of the platform, which is currently free while in beta testing, can now search for a trending topic and see how much social attention it is getting.

For example, a search for 'presidential debate' surfaces the stories on last night's debate that are currently being shared on social media platforms.

Paul Quigley, co-founder and chief executive of Ireland-based NewsWhip, described the new function as "a bit like a Google News search - except it ranks the results based on how much social attention each story is receiving right now".

Quigley added: "This means you can see what's trending now around anything - from 'Obama speech' to 'US border'; from 'debate' to 'Facebook'; from 'Stella MCcartney' to 'cats'."

NewsWhip Spike is positioning itself as a solution for journalists to monitor and filter news shared across social networks.

It is offering news outlets and journalists the chance to sign-up for free while it is building and refining the platform. It plans to start charging for the tool later this year.

For more on NewsWhip Spike see this article.

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