Jon Gripton
A senior news editor for Sky News' website will join the BBC to head its operations in Jersey.

Jon Gripton, who has worked at Sky for the past 10 years, will replace Denzil Dudley as managing editor for BBC Jersey, a press release from the BBC confirms.

Gripton became news editor for the Sky website in July 2008, having previously worked as a news editor and forward planner for the TV channel. He has played a key role in the site's and its journalists' approach to social media, overseeing the development of a "Twitter correspondent" role and a breaking news Twitter account.

Dudley, who retires in October after more than 12 years at BBC Jersey, will be succeeded by Gripton, who was a breakfast presenter at BBC Wiltshire prior to joining Sky.

Gripton has a mixture of commercial and public radio and television experience having previously worked for Red Dragon FRM and Touch AM in South Wales and as a reporter and producer for BBC TV news in the south west.

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