British journalist and founder of the Frontline Club Vaughan Smith has been nominated for the annual videojournalism prize the Concentra Award.

Smith, who has worked as an independent cameraman and videojournalist covering several wars and conflicts, has been shortlisted for his Operation Moshtarak report for Channel 4 in which the journalist spent a month embedded with the Grenadier Guards in Helmand Province who were paving the way for the new counter-insurgency strategy.

The €10,000 award was first awarded in 2005 to recognise excellence in videojournalism from broadcast TV, news websites, newspaper sites and IPTV news stations.

Competing alongside Smith's piece are entries from Adam Ellick for the New York Times, two pieces from Raul Gallego Abellan for the Associated Press, and Casey Kauffman for Al Jazeera International.

The main award in 2009 went to Washington Post journalist Alexandra Garcia for her film 'The Healing Fields'.

This year two pieces are also in the running for an additional prize, the Breaking News Award, presented to the best piece that is shot, edited and broadcast in one day and has a maximum duration of 5 minutes.

The award winners will be announced on 6 May. A full list of the nominees and their videos are available at this link.

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