The American National Press Photographers Association (NPPA) has opened entries for its 2010 Best Of Photojournalism competition.

The competition is the world's second-largest photography contest and more than 3,700 journalists from 147 countries took part last year.

All still and television photographers, photography editors, web editors, and television editors are invited to enter the NPPA competition and entry is free to all participants.

This year's contest sees the introduction of a new category, "Returning Veterans, Coming Home", intended to document the experiences of returning veterans and educate people about the social issues facing them.

There are a wide variety of categories open to entries across the awards, grouped together under still photo, photo editing, news video photography and editing, and web site. These include Best Use of the Web and Best Use of Multimedia.

Entries must be submitted by 29 January and judging takes place in March at The Poynter Institute for Media Studies in St. Petersburg, FL, and at Ohio University's School of Visual Communication in Athens, OH.

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