The National Union of Journalists (NUJ) has named Christine Buckley as the new editor of its magazine, The Journalist.

Buckley, a former industrial editor at the Times, will replace Tim Gopsill, who edited the union publication for 21 years, and will be the first female editor of the magazine.

The result of the editorial ballot was announced today, but Buckley will not be confirmed in the post until the NUJ's National Executive Committee endorses the result on Wednesday, a statement on the union's website said.

Speaking in's forum last month, Buckley said: "The NUJ is a strong, campaigning union and its communications need to reflect that, showcasing the union's work across all sectors not just the traditionally organised ones of newspapers and broadcast. We also need to reflect what is important in freelance journalism, publishing, magazines and public relations.

"There is a lot that could be done with the Journalist. Budgetry constraints have cut its publication down to six issues a year which is not great. It may be that resources just don't allow that to change at the moment. But the magazine should certainly be improved.

"It needs a redesign; it needs to include more voices from across the union at national and local level; it needs to tell members about campaigns they can become involved in. It needs to offer analysis of the big media issues that affect us all. And very importantly it needs to be online as a complimentary presence to the union's website and news service."

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