As a journalist, your efforts are critical to a vibrant, enlightened society. You connect us; effect change by exposing events that would otherwise go unnoticed; and keep people informed across a broad spectrum.

But, as you know, traditional outlets are shrinking their newsrooms, closing international bureaux and delivering a comparatively weaker product than that of just a couple of years ago.

The result? It's getting harder and harder to find and follow professional journalists' high quality work.
A survey conducted by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press recently detailed how the internet has surpassed all other media except television as the public's primary source of news and information.
So while it is clear mainstream outlets are struggling, we still need great journalists, and we've come to expect journalism to keep up with our busy, smaller and more connected world.

Enter Allvoices: Allvoices is the first open social media site where anyone can report from anywhere to a global audience. 

We get more than three million visitors a month who come to read real-time contributions from people of every walk of life in more than 170 countries.
We're looking for correspondents interested in becoming one of our Premier Professional Journalists. 

Why join Allvoices? 
We'd like you to use our platform to publish news as it happens; gain a worldwide audience for your work; develop a deeper connection to the audience with whom you rely upon to feed your stories; and receive compensation for your efforts.
We are an instant publishing platform that automatically optimizes content to be distributed as broadly as possible via Google search and social media marketing. Click here to be taken to our registration page so you can start reporting right away!

Simply submit content in your choice of format (text, photo, video), and Allvoices' Automatic Newsroom will begin the behind-the-scenes story building. Allvoices technology allows us to seamlessly enhance our contributors' content by filtering and extracting relevant coverage to build and deliver the most compelling news story possible. 

As the contributor, you maintain complete control over your profile - report under your name or a separate screen name - and can edit or delete Allvoices aggregated material and your own at your discretion.

We provide all the tools journalists need to get their voices heard and compete in today's hypercompetitive media climate. Some recent examples of journalists finding a global audience on Allvoices can be found in this report on Iran, this article on Mexican Coca-Cola and this interview with British hostage Adie Mormech.

Our success provides unlimited opportunities in both compensation and visibility for you.
It's free to join Allvoices' Professional Journalist Incentive Program. Registering entitles you to Professional Journalist Status benefits, including:
  • Ability to instantly publish news as it happens in multiple categories: publish text, video and images via your PC or even your mobile phone;
  • Instantly receive the highest credibility rating by our Report Credibility Rating system - a first in the citizen media space;
  • Automatic promotion of all your contributions to enhance SEO (search engine optimization) and social media marketing to maximize buzz around your content;
  • Earn money: contributors are well compensated based on the quality of their submissions and the following they build.
Once registered, you'll be identified as a Professional Journalist on your profile page (an example of a profile page is here) and we'll provide set-up assistance with access to dedicated support. 

Allvoices is a completely unique news business model which takes advantage of the web's reach, technology and real-time delivery capabilities to set traditional journalism's business model on its ear. 

Let's partner. We look forward to seeing you on Allvoices!    


Amra Tareen, CEO, Allvoices

Join Allvoices, build your brand, and let your voice be heard!

What journalists are saying about Allvoices:
"I was a newspaper columnist for five years from 1996-2001. When the paper changed editors, the new guy brought in his own guy and I got bumped. For at least the next year or two - after 9/11, before the run-up to war with Iraq - every time something happened that mattered, I found myself thinking of what I would have said if I still had my megaphone.

"There hasn't been enough time for me to read as much of the rest of you as I would like, but I have been very impressed by the quality of the comments on some of the pieces I have written. Many of you not only write well, you think well. And that isn't all that common in these days of loud voices and angry tempers.

"There's something fairly amazing about writing for a website like Allvoices that covers the entire world. I've been writing for the web for the better part of nine years now, on various incarnations of my own sites and others like Capitol Hill Blue and Newsvine. But as far as I know, I've never had anything like 18,000 page views in 18 days. Hey, at this rate I actually might make a buck or two."

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