Steve Outing suggests some resolutions for the news industryJournalist and Poynter editor Steve Outing lists some priorities for web publishers in the coming year, urging them to work harder to keep up with what could be a new internet boom.

Writing on Editor & Publisher, Poynter editor Steve Outing suggests that web publishers need to reach out to where young people are. Publishers need to reach more of this vast, technically-proficient audience through increasingly converged media platforms.

That means producing content for the platforms that young people are using instead of newspapers; mobiles, instant messenger, games consoles and the web.

"In another few years, print will be seen as the weaker sibling," he wrote.

"2006, then, is the year that newspaper companies should begin restructuring (if they haven't already) in order to operate under such equality."

The popularity of portable music players and the podcast trend is a major opportunity for newspapers to engage with a younger audience.

"The speed with which podcasts have captured a mass audience is startling," wrote Mr Outing.

"It's smart move to invite local podcasters to be part of your website. Bring them on board under your brand."

He also recommends that news sites make sites more accessible by only asking for registration when absolutely necessary, and by developing automated advertising systems.

Participatory media will also become increasingly important, he predicts, recommending that sites experiment with wikis on appropriate parts of their sites and try to overcome 'any lingering fear' of inviting feedback.

"A real opportunity in 2006 will be in supporting the global conversation that is the internet," he wrote.

"How about if local newspapers work to figure out how to become the primary social-netowrkling venues for their communities?"

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