Freelance knight

Freelancers must protect themselves with the right insurance - but what sort?

Credit: Image by monkeywing on Flickr. Some rights reserved.

If you are about to embark on a career as a freelance journalist it is unlikely that insurance will be at the forefront of your mind. However, in today's climate, it is prudent to spend some time researching the numerous policies which are on offer.

There is a plethora of companies offering business insurance quotes, many of which offer suitable policies for journalists and freelance writers, but these policies can vary widely in terms of what they cover and the extent of cover provided.

You should always do extensive research before deciding on a policy, but read on for a beginner's guide and a list of business insurance options that freelance writers should seriously consider.

Public liability insurance

If you are going to be coming into contact with the general public, as most journalists do frequently, then this should be one of your first considerations.

Policies which include public liability insurance cover you against damage or injury to persons or their property. This type of insurance may seem better suited to someone involved in a more physical profession, such as a personal trainer, but this is a misconception.

If you are out interviewing someone and happen to knock over their precious Royal Doulton figurine, you will quickly realise how costly not having this cover can be.

Equipment insurance

From laptops to cameras, freelancers often go to work with a small fortune's worth of equipment in their possession, so it pays to ensure that all of these items are covered by your insurance policy.

Sometimes these items will be covered by your home insurance, so long as you have correctly identified your career when taking it out.

For many freelancers their home is also their place of work and this can render aspects of your home insurance void
If you are making a change of career to become a freelancer, ensure that you inform your insurance provider - they will notify you of any practical implications this may have. 

For many freelancers their home is also their place of work and this can render aspects of your home insurance void. It is well worth taking the time to find this out; you may well have to take out separate insurance to cover your equipment. The last thing you want is to be stuck between commissions with a broken laptop.

Professional liability insurance

Also known as professional indemnity insurance, or PI insurance for short, this is an increasingly important cover for freelancer writers of any sort to consider. 

PI insurance is relevant for anyone who offers services or advice to a client and protects you against a multitude of possible claims.

Most common among these would be breach of contract, in which a client makes a claim against you, citing your work to be erroneous or substandard.

Other possible claims which could be made against you can include copyright infringement, confidentiality breaches, loss of data and slander or libel.

PI insurance will help cover you against such claims and, depending on your policy, may also assist you in taking erroneous claims through the courts.

Some policies will even pay for legal costs should your case be unsuccessful.

Personal liability insurance

If you are not working for a client but are still producing published content, you may wish to consider personal liability insurance.

With hundreds of thousands of freelance writers at work on the web, the influence which they exert has boomed - and with this increased influence comes increased scrutiny.

Libel, slander and copyright infringement are all claims which can and increasingly are made against independent journalists by third parties
Libel, slander and copyright infringement are all claims which can and increasingly are made against independent journalists by third parties.

The primary concern of every journalist should be the veracity of their facts. Ensuring what you report is correct will always remain the best defence against any counter claims. However comment and opinion, although fundamental to freedom of speech, will always be at risk of causing upset which may lead to legal dispute - protecting yourself against this can be a wise decision.

Dangerous assignment insurance

Some journalists need to protect themselves from more than just legal dispute.

With the closure of many foreign bureaus across the world, many freelancers are travelling abroad in pursuit of a story and these stories are often found in remote areas in the midst of civil unrest.

Any freelancers undertaking such assignments should ensure they have the best possible insurance they can afford.

Resist the urge to put off worrying about it for another day: think about what insurance you might benefit from; spend an afternoon researching the various policies on offer; speak to other freelancers and get their advice
As well as covering medical assistance, legal assistance and lost, damaged or stolen equipment, these policies can also, in the worst of circumstances, offer compensation for disability or accidental death.

Unfortunately many freelancers are still travelling to dangerous parts of the world without adequate insurance; in order to combat this Reporters without Borders (RSF) has organised a global insurance policy for freelancers from the EU. More information can be found on their website.

As a freelancer the urge to pick up your notebook, to fire up your laptop and to get writing is all too understandable. It is easy to be confused by the number of different policies and different areas of coverage which each underwriter provides. Nonetheless, resist the urge to put off worrying about it for another day: think about what insurance you might benefit from; spend an afternoon researching the various policies on offer; speak to other freelancers and get their advice. In the long run it will be time well spent.

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